5 Easy Healthy Home Swaps

Have you been thinking about swapping some of your everyday household items for healthier, non-toxic options? These are just a few simple things you can do to start creating a healthier home. If you have pets, children or even health issues, changing some of your household items can help to keep everyone safe and healthy. One of the biggest tips I have to start this process is not to throw out all of your current items! That can be very overwhelming and expensive. Start by getting some ideas and then as you run out of items, just replace them with healthier options instead of buying the same thing again. Here are a few simple ideas:

  1. Dish soap
    1. Conventional dish soaps are full of detergents and fragrances that can cause skin irritation. Consider swapping to a natural dish soap such as Branch Basics or Truly Free. Mrs Meyers is a brand that is sold at most stores such as Target and Walmart that is better than traditional dish soap such as Dawn.
  2. Cleaning solutions
    1. There are so many harmful ingredients in cleaning solutions. These solutions sit on surfaces that you come in contact with every day and can be accessed by little ones in the home. Switching to a healthier cleaning solution such as Branch Basics or a simple vinegar and water solution is an easy way to avoid these chemicals. 
  3. Laundry detergent
    1. Most traditional laundry detergents are full of chemicals and fragrances that cause skin irritation and headaches. If you experience skin rashes or acne, it is highly recommended that you switch to a non-toxic, unscented laundry detergent such as Truly Free. If you have a baby, switching your detergent can allow you to wash all of their clothes with yours and cut down on loads as well!
  4. Water filter
    1. Tap water contains chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine that you do not want to be consuming on a regular basis. Using a water filter such as Brita or Zero for drinking water can help you to avoid these chemicals. Although these filters remove harmful chemicals, they can also remove beneficial minerals so make sure you are adding those back in either with a pinch of sea salt or trace mineral drops.
  5. Air fresheners and candles
    1. Typical air fresheners contain fragrances that can cause headaches and hormone disruptions. It is best to avoid all fragrances if possible, since even essential oils can cause irritation. If you need something instead of traditional fragrances I recommend making your own room spray with a few drops of high quality essential oil and water. If you want to burn candles, opt for ones made with beeswax or coconut oil.