How to Balance Your Hormones in 3 Simple Steps

Do you suffer from acne, irregular or painful periods? If so, you could have a hormone imbalance. There is a lot of information out there on this topic and it can be overwhelming. Today I am sharing 3 simple steps to balance hormones. If you think you have a hormone imbalance and don’t know where to start, please read this post and implement even just one of the steps I’ve listed. You don’t need to make a ton of drastic changes overnight. Choose one thing you want to start with and focus on that until you feel like you’ve got it down pat. Before you know it, you will have made a huge lifestyle shift and will be feeling better day by day. Remember, you did not get where you are overnight so it will take time to heal as well. 

  1. Cut out highly processed food

The biggest thing to remember when making this lifestyle shift is that you don’t have to do this all at once. If you are currently eating lots of processed foods, start with just one meal or snack per day. Instead of having chips as a side with your lunch, try having an apple or a banana as your carb source. Eat eggs or sausage for breakfast instead of a protein bar or shake. Use plain half and half with some maple syrup in your coffee instead of your regular coffee creamer. If you are buying things that are in a package, look for something with as few ingredients as possible!

  1. Eat enough calories and frequently 

This is a big one especially right now where restricting calories and intermittent fasting are popular trends. The problem with these habits is that it causes blood sugar swings and spikes in cortisol, which is a stress hormone. If you are a woman in your childbearing years, you want to fuel your body with nutrient dense foods. This allows your body can make enough hormones and regulate them appropriately. Eating within 30 minutes of waking is a great way to reduce stress hormones and balance blood sugar. If you are not hungry first thing in the morning, try making a nourishing drink with protein powder, milk and honey.

  1. Avoid harmful chemicals

Unfortunately, in our world today we are exposed to more chemicals than ever before. They are in our food, clothes, hygiene products, cleaning products, water and even the air we breathe. I don’t say this to scare you, but to make you aware. Many people are not concerned about these chemicals because our bodies detox naturally. While that may be true, we are exposed to more chemicals than ever before. It is possible for the body to get overwhelmed and be unable to detox all of these toxins effectively. Eating organic foods, using non-toxic household cleaners and hygiene products and filtering your water are all simple steps to reducing your toxin load. Check out this blog post for more healthy home swaps!

Obtaining optimal hormone production can be a very complex process. It’s important to remember that you don’t need to change everything overnight. Making small changes will be much more manageable and be easier to sustain. I hope this post inspires you to make some simple changes that will make a profound difference in your overall health and help you balance your hormones!